What's an Asbestos Inspection and Why Should I Get One?
Do I need an Asbestos Inspection?
Asbestos is a dangerous substance that, for the longest time, had been used for insulation in many buildings. When workers would inhale the dust that fell over the building sites, it would increase their risks for lung issues over time, such as Mesothelioma, a form of lung cancer.
For this reason alone, people who are hired to inspect and remove Asbestos needs to be trained and accredited under the the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986 (AHERA). All courses need to be legitimized using the the EPA Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan (MAP). While these regulations do not apply if you are doing work on your own home, it is highly recommended that you hired an accredited professional to get the job done.
“People who are hired to inspect and remove Asbestos needs to be trained and accredited under the the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986 (AHERA)”
The reason to hire someone for an inspection would be to make sure that there is no Asbestos in the house prior to demolition or renovation. If there is asbestos surrounding pipes or other materials and it gets disturbed, the powder could fly through the air, exposing workers and homeowners to potential health hazards. All schools are required to have inspections to make sure they are not inadvertently exposing kids to harmful substances.
The role of the inspector is to check the piping and insulation, as well as other potential hazards, for potential asbestos exposure. Inspectors collect samples of what they believe to be asbestos and send those samples to the lab. In New York, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) performs audits on their inspectors. All infractions, such as incomplete records or inadequate assessments can be slapped with an up to 10,000$ fine.
Inspections are vital to the well being of many institutions, as well as schools and homes. They help to make them safe to live in, and safe to renovate, without fear of harm in the process.
Why Hire an Asbestos Inspector?
To make sure that there is no Asbestos in the house prior to demolition or renovation.
How do I know if an inspector is qualified?
Qualified Asbestos inspectors will have supporting documentation from the State of New York and will be happy to show it to you.
Contact us to schedule a free estimate:
Call or text: 718-971-9191
Email: info@fivestarenv.com